33 Acres has always believed in, among other things, hard work, process, and refined products. Equally, we believe in a balanced lifestyle and that you can’t have 1 without the other. It’s knowing when to take a break, reflect, and enjoy the moment. In part, we make products so you can celebrate all achievements big or small. Whether you’re at home, a friends place, the park, or beach kick back and enjoy a #b33r – you earned it.
As part of our Sunshine campaign we’ll be highlighting everyday people throughout the Summer in the city who we think have earned it. The sense of success is subjective but the feeling of accomplishment after finishing a task or work day is more or less the same . Whether it be a cook on the line, restaurant owner, construction worker, or entrepreneur. The first person we snapped a quick photo of is Sumi. She opened up her Japanese retail shop @itsumolife back in November a couple blocks away. Walking by we often see her grinding to keep it looking the way it does, even through the misfortune of the last couple months she’s found a way to make it work. We hope she can find a second to kick back, reflect, and enjoy a cold one.
33 Acres of Sunshine : YOU EARNED IT