33 Acres of Stärke

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

33 Acres of Stärke A collaboration beer between 33 Acres Brewing Company & Bestie, Chinatown’s finest sausage parlour. Join us, September 22nd from 1-5pm, to celebrate Oktoberfest. Bestie will be serving food & we’ll be launching a new beer. Come enjoy.  

Sold Out!

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

Thank you for the support over the last 2 months Vancouver! Unfortunately due to the overwhelming response, we’ve had to shut our doors until Saturday, September 21st. We are out of beer until then. See you soon!

33 Acres of Sunshinè

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

33 Acres of Sunshine, now in the tasting room, a French blanchè ale lightly hopped with Styrian Golding and flavoured with orange peel, coriander, and anise. Alcohol:  5.0% by Volume Colour:  Pale blonde, hazy IBU: 14

We’re Open!

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

Finally, after 2.5 years of hard work we’re here! Come down and try our beer or fill your growler and have a sneaky peak of the brewery. We have growlers for purchase for $5 if you don’t have your own.

Growler Fills

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

We’re now filling growlers in our tasting room. Monday – Thursday 12-9PM, Friday – Saturday 11-11PM, and Sunday 12-5PM. 15 West 8th Avenue.


written by admin

[vimeo id=”63212164″] Two years ago the idea of building a family run microbrewery began to unfold. Enlisting the help of a few friends, slowly the plans began to materialize. A space in Mt. Pleasant was chosen as our home, this is a look at what’s been happening around here since signing on the dotted line.