33 Acres of Onyx

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

A mysterious surprise shows dark and dank when the light flickers somber the mind starts to race. Stay positive, when something so dark most certainly will be the beginning of light. Four malts come together in this roasted blueberry hopped contrast. Quaffable coffee tickles the taste buds but somehow finds a tropical fruit like space. … Continued

33 Acres of Cherise

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

Red on red in the season of glee, comes a whispering wonder all tart under the tree. Joys of this bounty will surely surprise, sit back, relax and don’t summarize. This sweet Belgian cherry treat comes to our table, with two strains of yeast not quite from a stable. Tart cherry, banana spice, light cocoa … Continued


written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

SOLD OUT! Don’t worry though, we’re still open to the public for pizza, beer, music and friends! 2am! Celebrate New Years Eve with 33 Acres Brewing Company while we sit down for an exclusive 5 course b33r pairing dinner. Each beer will pair perfectly with each plate and our brewmaster will be on site to … Continued

Where the grain grows

written by Josh Michnik

A trip home. written by Joshua Michnik, Founder of 33 Acres Brewing Company The sky never ends in Saskatchewan. Land quickly disappears but the sky pretty well always starts at the tip of the nose and keeps going up. Being born here I guess I just didn’t realize how massive the sky was. In British … Continued

Issue 4.0 – Repeat, Repeat

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

Get up, see, do, repeat… Our desire for change is often shadowed by repetition. How do we get over the simple fact that echoing tasks doesn’t make us boring? The mundane daily routines we create for ourselves can be looked down upon, but sometimes they are what hold us together or give us purpose. Issue … Continued

33 Acres of Roam

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

Favourite track. Shift, drive, explore. Bigger this time. Take the road without the sign and find your own pace. Wake up. Start again. Double up. Our happy place. Take it all in. Relax, look and listen. Citra, Centennial, and Legacy hops power punch this dank double road trip. 33 Acres of Roam, a big Double … Continued

33 Acres of C.R.E.A.M.

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

“I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side Staying alive was no jive At second hands, moms bounced on old men So then we moved to Shaolin land A young youth, yo rockin’ the gold tooth, ‘Lo goose Only way, I begin to gee off was drug loot And let’s start … Continued

33 Acres of Cashmere

written by 33 Acres Brewing Company

Cozy in, sit back and put on your warmest of warm. Seasons have changed and fallen trees have sparked to let conversation anticipations grow. A deep red complexion, a mouth full of balance with hints of fresh pepper, chocolate and lemon rind. 33 Acres of Cashmere, a Northwest Red Ale for your soul. Available now … Continued